Hello! I thought it would be a good (though difficult) idea to share 50 facts about me so you could get to know me a little better. I spent an entire day coming up with all 50, so I hope you enjoy!
                                                                                                                                                   -ciao! :)
1.I was born in the small city of Dobrich, Bulgaria in 1997
2.Growing up, "Monte" were (and still are) my favourite chocolate biscuits Ever; sadly they are a Turkish sweet and I cannot find them anywhere :(
3.My favourite colour is mauve- a dusty, washed out purple 
4. My sister, Kristina is five years younger than me and also has a blog for cooking/baking (cheeky little promo)
5.I played on a soccer team in 3rd. and 4th. grade (though I mainly danced around the field like a ballerina)
6.My favourite movie is "Leap Year"
7.I love the Autumnal weather
8.I have a bad short term memory (while my sister remembers like an elephant!)
9.I have trouble speaking my mind, yet my mind Never sleeps 
10.I was a crazy child (if my mom wrote a blog post about my childish mischief, you would be here all day)
11.I hate the taste of coffee, but I can spend everyday in a coffee cafe because I love the smell of it!- I'm a tea kind of girl
12.I have a poetry diary that I used to create poems in (I do not write anymore but I still have the journal and I cringe at how terrible some of the poems are...)
13.I have a pet cat named Lucky
14.I'm 5'3'' 
15.I love seafood (fish and shrimp, yum yum; but nothing fried!)
16.I love fruit, but cannot stand oranges/grapefruit and coconut
17.I do not like roller coasters
18.I broke my wrist in grade 6 by falling off the swing (but I have no recollection of how it could have possibly happened)
19.I'm allergic to bee and wasp stings but not honey (I love honey)
20.On the same topic,I had a near death experience when I was very young: I got stung by a wasp and swelled up like a pumpkin through the night. When we went to the emergency room the next morning, the doctor told my parents that if we had waited a few hours more, I would have died (it is from that experience that we found out I was allergic to bee and wasp stings)
21.I am the biggest perfectionist that ever existed
22.I have danced since the age of eight-Bulgarian Folkore 
23.I wish to move to London and live there one day
24.My biggest fear is spiders (the smaller they are, the worse!)
25.I love sunshine, but it's light rainy days that really motivate me to work and get things done; hot, humid days only make me lazy
26.I can't wait to have babies one day-a maximum of two, but I also don't want only one (obviously not for a couple of years as I'm only 18 at the moment)
27.I'm quite the shy person, and I have a hard time opening up to others 
28.I love traveling!
29.I have a massive addiction to shoes shopping
30.I'm a dreamer-my heads in the clouds
31.I'm a huge health nut (the only fast food restaurant I have ever been to was McDonald's, and that was well over 10 years ago)
32.I can speak fluent Bulgarian 
33.I get cold easily 
34.I'm Christian, though am not religious (my family only goes to church once a year for Easter)
35.I don't have any tattoos but I want two 
36.I don't enjoy watching scary movies because my head is hidden behind a pillow the entire time, yet I watch them (and regret it right after)
37.I always expect the best to happen-optimistic personality 
38.My natural hair colour is brown, but have now got blonde highlights 
39.I have seven piercings- all on my ears
40.I adore looking at old albums and video tapes and reminiscing of old times
41.I love all Disney films!❤️
42.Growing up, I dreamed of having long hair to my hips (that dream changed when I found out how hard it is to maintain long locks)
43.I say "sorry" Way too much 
44.My favourite holiday is Christmas (and if I had a house of my own, I would deck it all out every year!)
45.I used to have a bad habit of biting my nails (still do sometimes, if I have to be honest)
46.I'm a Scorpio 
47.I'm a huge book worm!-currently rereading the Harry Potter books (book 4)
48.I am very thankful for my blog readers who have taken their time to peruse- it means a lot!
49.I really want to start on YouTube, but I'm so anxious and awkward on camera
50.This blog is nearing its first birthday!

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