Hi, lovelies!
A couple weeks back, a friend of mine contacted me asking if I was interested in doing a mini photo shoot; I of course immediately agreed upon her request! I'm no model (I mean, just look at my "model" poses 😂 ) but I'm always up for anything creative and fun! I was instructed to wear converse and some sort of dress; the type of dress and accessories was up to me to choose. Since it is officially spring, and that day certainly felt like it, I went with this short H&M bubble pink, almost skater-style dress. I've had it tucked away in the back of my closet for I don't even know how long, but it was time I let it have its spotlight moment.
We went to our neighborhood park and shot some photos with Colour Smoke Bombs (sounds dangerous, but trust me, once you get passed the repellent smell, it actually turns out pretty cool in pictures.)
*Some tips for photographers: Using these colour bombs on a more windy day may seem like a good idea, but it's actually not. As soon as you light one, the colour starts spurring quickly, and with the extra wind, capturing the perfect shot will be a bit more difficult.
Nonetheless, the wind was no threat to a nice photo shoot, but with a fabulous photographer like Ginka, there is no such thing as a bad photo!
BTW: If you live in the St. Louis area and are seeking photographers for family, wedding, school dance (homecoming, prom) or any other event, Ginka is your go-to gal! Trust me when I say this is no sponsored post, but a 100% honest opinion that I want to share with you! She loves what she does and you'll love the final product as well. Guaranteed! 😊
-Ciao xx
o u t f i t d e t a i l s
Dress: H&M (as I mentioned above, I've had this dress for ages now so it's likely not available to purchase anymore. I've linked some other dress styles instead that I think would look great if you're attempting to do a similar shoot!)
*Jersey Dress (pink)
*Flounced Wrap Dress (red/dotted)
*Jersey Dress (white/floral)
*T-Shirt Dress (dark blue/patterned)
*Patterned Dress (dark blue/floral)
*Sleeveless Dress With Lace (powder pink)
*Short Dress (light pink)
*Texture-Patterned Dress (light blue)
*Lace Dress (dusty pink)
Converse: Kohl's
Colour Bombs: http://www.patrioticfireworks.com/site/index.php?page=1-asst-color-smoking-tube (this is just one place of many that you can purchase color smoke from. These were the exact ones we used.)

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