Hello! Today I wanted to do something a little different, something I have not done yet on this blog; an OOTD. ;) On A Serious Note (not really) I have ANOTHER OOTD to share with you! However, this time my background is not my front or back yard as pretty much all of my previous OOTD's have been. I'm in a park! This really is no big deal for many, but for it was a Huge step forward! I'm a shy person to begin with so having to pose for pictures in public (where anyone could see me) was really nerve wrecking. I decided, however, that the only way I could improve my blog and make it better was to step out of my comfort zone and do things I usually would not. Today was baby step number one. This park is a short 3 minute drive from my house and is quite small (my mom, sister, and I like to take frequent walks around every so often), and the scenery is gorgeous, especially around this time of year!
For my outfit today, I have on:
- A blue and white horizontal stripped sweater from Jones New York
- A skater skirt from Kohl's
- Black tights
- Black ankle booties from Kohl's
One of my favourite things to wear during the cold seasons, is tights (specifically with skirts and dresses)! Though all of my OOTD's thus far have been me wearing pants, i'm quite fond of girlier (that isn't a word; don't quote me) clothes. There is nothing better then being able to wear my favourite dresses in the fall and winter by just adding black tights, booties, and any other additional layers for extra warmth (of your choice of course!) I hope you enjoy the following picture and I will chat with you soon again!
Ciao! :)

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