So here we are; another year has whizzed by. 2016. The rumors are true you know, time really does fly by. I'm not going to fill this post with new years resolutions, instead I want this to be a post I come back to same time next year and nod the whole way whilst reading it, saying to myself: "yup, I accomplished this and this and oh yea, this and this, check, check." When it comes to new years resolutions, I cannot say I believe in them because this isn't the only time we are to set goals for ourselves; we should strive to achieve new challenges and set goals throughout the entire year. However this is a decent time to do it a in a short couple of hours (approximately 5 hours where I live) it will be page one 365.
For my first entry, I wish to dedicate it to my lovely blog. I will strive to make my content better and post more often. I started this for fun, thus I don't want to stress myself out with it, but I do want quality posts that you will enjoy to read through. 
I always want to try on challenges, things I have always been afraid to try. Because if not today, then when?
Lastly, I just wish for more peace on this earth as this year has seen bad/ dark times around the globe. This world deserves more love and I want to help spread it.
I wish you a magical welcome tot he  New Year,  filled with happiness and joy, cheers and celebration. I will see you in 2016! Thank you for taking the time to read my blog, it means the world to me! 
                                                                                                                                                 Ciao! :)

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