Hello Everyone!
Yes, I'm alive! :D I just wanted to start off by apologizing for my absence... These past two weeks have been absolutely PACKED, and I thought what other way to catch up with you than to explain everything that has been going on in my life. So without further ado, here is what I have been up to:
The roller coaster began the fist week of May, when I had my senior finals! Some exams were no problem... easy as can be; however, classes such as College Algebra kicked my bum. X( But that came and went... Thankfully! My last day of school was the 6th of May, (insert celebratory music here) so I am officially on summer break! That Saturday was also my senior prom, which I was super stoked to attend as I have many times seen prom scenes in movies and couldn't wait to experience it for myself. If you were wondering, I danced the night away and had a blast. And I just wanted to say that if you are someone who is contemplating on going, Do It; it is so worth the price and the experience is once in a lifetime. That following Wednesday, I had graduation practice, and my graduation ceremony was that Friday. The last task was my graduation party, which was two days ago. I'm SO thankful for my parents for it not them, this event would not have been possible. Originally, I did not want a grad party; instead I wanted a small get together with my family. But my parents explained to me that in Bulgaria, throwing a graduation party is done as a sign of thankfulness and for health. We invited everyone who has ever helped us throughout the years that we have been in America, and as a result, comprised a total of over 100 Bulgarians for a fun- fanatic night! Leading up to Saturday was a stressful ride, but in the end, everything went just as planned and more.
After sixteen days of constant go, go, go, I am now resting on my couch, watching cupcake wars, and blogging (something I know I have not done ages, but absolutely love now that I am back at it). Do not fret, though, because my phone storage is full of photos from my prom and graduation! I will definitely be posting picture-filled blog posts in the following days to come and I could not be happier! :) I'm not going lie, there were days when I didn't have much to do, but because I hadn't posted in so long, I was having a major writers block and zero motivation to blog... But now I am back for good, so make sure to tune in because exciting things are coming!!! In twenty days time, I am getting on a plane and heading home <3 BuLgArIa I will be there for two months, but will be absent from Blogger zero of those days; so expect many OOTD's in beautiful, new locations, and maybe videos????????! (I really want to start a YouTube channel but am SO insecure and scared to do it! However I have been thinking, and at the end of the day, the Only thing holding me back is me.)
OK, this is officially the longest post I have written (hahaha) I'm going now, but not for long! See you VERY soon! :D
                                                                                                                                                    Ciao! :)

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