So I know that my blog is primarily fashion-based; it's my passion and I find most love in writing/posting about that. The complete sense of freedom I feel being able to express myself through the use of clothes exhilarates and excites me! However, there are other things which I devote myself to on the daily and find an interest in that are just as important (if not more), one of them being health. Mental and physical health are both subjects dear to my heart and I feel that it's just as critical to speak I upon as is fashion.
If I had the opportunity (and time) to discuss mental health and the major importance of it, oh you can be sure I would be here ALL DAY writing! But, we don't have time for that, so instead I'll keep it short and sweet.
when the term "healthy" comes to mind, what's the first thing you can think of? That's a bit difficult to narrow down I know, since so many aspects fall into one category. If you ask me, I would say balance.
Balance, as stated in the dictionary, is defined as mental steadiness or emotional stability. That's probably quite distant from what came to your mind when I asked you that same question. Was your answer "Eating smart?" "Exercising daily?" Well, both statements are in fact true! But they all fall into the category of balance. We should all be eating fruits and veggies, getting a sustainable amount of protein, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals every single day. And exercise is a great way to stay fit and maintain an active lifestyle. The problem with that is not that we don't do that, but that we never seem to find a balance between the two. Whether it's over-exercising, following fad diets, or simply complaining about how your "so unfit" while sprawled on the couch with nothing better to do.
To get to the point of my post! It's nearing the end of the year, which means when January comes around, all over social media (and basically everywhere) all you'll be hearing are those repeated New Years resolutions which, just like every other year, not one person forgets to swear on their life they will "follow through with." "This year is going to be different. I'm going to eat SUPER healthy, exercise EVERY SINGLE DAY, and get my life organised and in order!" That idea is locked, of course, until you spot a stranger carrying with him a large box, infused with the aroma of steaming hot, mouth-watering pizza. There goes another New Years resolution in the trash. "There's always next year. I'll just try again then!" 😂
Well I've got good news for you. You don't have to wait until next year to start that goal. You don't have to because you have tomorrow. Everyday is not just a new day to get things done; it's a new beginning. A fresh start. A chance to begin again. A clear slate. Just because you had a slip or cheat day (or whatever it's properly called), doesn't mean you have to give up entirely! Like I mentioned earlier, balance is the key to everything! There's a quote which I found online a while back and has stuck with me ever since. It goes like this:

So before the clock strikes 12:00 on the 31st. of December, slow down and focus on today, nothing else. The present is happening now, and before you know it, today will be tomorrow and tomorrow will be the future. It will come, but for now, enjoy what you have, where you are at in your life and who you have. Nothing else matters.
And while we are on the subject of the present, let's focus on how you can stay "healthy" now. The holiday season has arrived and that means busy schedules, shopping lists full, and impatiently anticipating children waiting for Santa. How can one stay possibly stay healthy all while trying to juggle the holiday anxiety that is December?! If you haven't guessed already, BALANCE!
Here are some tips I have come up with to help ease the holiday stress:
*Plan Ahead - Don't leave everything for the last minute! This one might be a no-brainier, but... There may be a time when decorating for Christmas and getting in the spirit is too early, but honestly, it is NEVER too early to get Christmas gift shopping done! Something I have done this year is keep a hidden list with all the people I'm shopping for. I started this a couple of months ago and whenever I was out with someone who was on my list, and they mentioned a thing they would love to have, I would write it down on the list. This way, when it came time to shop for Christmas presents, that item would be listed, and my life would be lessened.
*Share the Tasks - Guess what! You don't have to try and handle EVERY SINGLE CHORE in preparation of the great feast! Divide the task among your family members; this way, things will get done quicker!
*Take Care of Yourself - Never neglect yourself; pay attention to your own personal wants and needs. Get enough sleep, exercise, rest. Just because it's the holiday season, those are proprieties that must be kept in check all 365 days of the year!
*Reward Yourself - Possibly the most important one of them all! After all the rejoicing, you should be able to reward yourself for all the hard work that was accomplished in a short time span of 31 days! A great way to wind down and re-energize is to treat yourself to a mini getaway! Who said a holiday away had to be only in the summer?! Even if it's only for two or three days, book a hotel, pack a small luggage, and go... Don't think too much (that should be the whole point of this trip: to clear your mind, body, and soul from all stress). A bit of sunshine and fresh air will do you a world of good! And to make things even easier for you, I have the perfect destination for you- Vegas! Though Vegas is thought of as the place to go to P A R T Y and have a wild time, there are hotels primary for relaxing- with spas and couples suites. It's the perfect getaway without technically "getting away." It's the Mexico holiday during the winter season! has thousands of hotels you can book at your own convenient time! Whether it's a spa you want to go to or have a nice stay-in day; it's all there for you to enjoy!
So before you go back to Pinterest to continue the great search of holiday dishes, I hope you this post helped ease the holiday stress and anxieties, and got you excited for the new year! :D
- Ciao! :)
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